Reasons To Choose An Open MRI Machine

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The thought of sliding into an enclosed tunnel during your MRI is nerve-wracking, but it is important to have this test done to diagnose a medical condition. There are many facilities that offer the option of an open MRI machine. It is an alternative that brings you physical and mental comfort. Here are four reasons to choose an open MRI scanner for your procedure.

It Scans Various Body Types

There is always a chance you are not going to properly fit inside a traditional MRI scan. Scanning the target area may require you to lie in an uncomfortable position. The design of an open MRI machine makes it easier to scan the target area regardless of your body type. This means you can stretch out and lie in a comfortable position during your exam.

Reduces Your Claustrophobia

If you suffer from mild to severe claustrophobia, the last place you want to be is inside a tunnel. You can give yourself a peace of mind by opting for an open MRI scan. There are not any walls around your body on an open MRI machine, which eliminates the feeling of being trapped inside a small space. The open design gives you plenty of space to breathe and see around the room.

Eases Sensory Processing Issues

A traditional MRI machine can be loud enough to trigger a sensory issue, but you do not have to worry about the noise with an open MRI scanner. The open machine is much quieter than a standard machine. The lack of noise reduces your anxiety and helps you to relax during your procedure. You can even ask about noise-reducing headphones for the scan.

It Is Better For Children

If your child needs an MRI scan, it is best to ask their pediatrician for an open machine. It is not going to be easy to get your child to remain still during the procedure, especially if they are afraid of sliding into the tunnel. However, the open design makes it easy for you to be there for your child during the scan. Your child can see you during the exam, and you may even be able to hold their hand for extra comfort.

Once you decide on an open MRI machine, schedule your appointment by contacting Middletown Medical Imaging.

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